The list contains the state-recognised higher education institutions of Hungary according to the valid data on the day of the query.
Institutional identificator
Website (URL)
Rector / Acting rector
Chancellor / Head of finance
Type of financial management by maintenance
Theological College of Pécs | FI63810 | college | 7625 Pécs, Hunyadi János utca 11. | | Dr. Kovács Gusztáv (rector) | Tóthné Csikós Virág (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Tomori Pál College | FI44196 | college | 1223 Budapest, Művelődés utca 21. | | Dr. Meszlényi Rózsa (acting rector) | Rédei Andrea (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
University of Debrecen | FI17198 | university | 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem tér 1. | | Dr. Szilvássy Zoltán (rector) | Dr. Bács Zoltán (chancellor) | - | private as public benefit organization |
University of Dunaújváros | FI60345 | university of applied sciences | 2400 Dunaújváros, Táncsics Mihály utca 1/a. | | Dr. András István (rector) | Farkas Endre (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
University of Miskolc | FI87515 | university | 3515 Miskolc, Egyetemváros | | Dr. Horváth Zita (rector) | Kalmár Zsolt (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
University of Nyíregyháza | FI74250 | university of applied sciences | 4400 Nyíregyháza, Sóstói út 31/B. | | Dr. Szabó György (rector) | Szabó Csaba Géza (head of finance) | Dr. Hárskuti János József (president) | private as public benefit organization |
University of Pannonia | FI80554 | university | 8200 Veszprém, Egyetem utca 10. | | Dr. Abonyi János (rector) | Csillag Zsolt (chancellor) | - | private as public benefit organization |
University of Pécs | FI58544 | university | 7622 Pécs, Vasvári Pál utca 4. | | Dr. Miseta Attila János (rector) | Decsi István (chancellor) | - | private as public benefit organization |
University of Sopron | FI21120 | university | 9400 Sopron, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky utca 4. | | Dr. Fábián Attila Gábor (rector) | Király Attiláné (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
University of Szeged | FI62198 | university | 6720 Szeged, Dugonics tér 13. | | Dr. Rovó László Róbert (rector) | Dr. Fendler Judit (chancellor) | - | private as public benefit organization |
University of Theatre and Film Arts | FI54876 | university | 1088 Budapest, Rákóczi út 21. | | Dr. Sepsi Enikő (rector) | Fazekasné Helenkár Anita (megbízott kancellár) | - | private as public benefit organization |
University of Tokaj | FI30164 | university of applied sciences | 3950 Sárospatak, Eötvös út 7. | | Dr. Kéri Szabolcs Gyula (rector) | Vincze Csaba (chancellor) | - | private as public benefit organization |
University of Veterinary Medicine Budapest | FI21261 | university | 1078 Budapest, István utca 2. | | Dr. Sótonyi Péter Tamás (rector) | - | - | private as public benefit organization |
Wekerle Business School | FI50782 | college | 1083 Budapest, Jázmin utca 10. | | Dr. Balogh Imre (acting rector) | Veres Hedvig Tünde (head of finance) | Anis Laila Yap Binti Abdullah (president) | private as business organization |