The list contains the state-recognised higher education institutions of Hungary according to the valid data on the day of the query.
Institutional identificator
Website (URL)
Rector / Acting rector
Chancellor / Head of finance
Type of financial management by maintenance
Adventist Theological College | FI63573 | college | 2119 Pécel, Ráday utca 12. | | Dr. Tonhaizer Tibor (rector) | - | - | ecclesiastical |
Andrássy Gyula German Speaking University Budapest | FI65852 | university | 1088 Budapest, Pollack Mihály tér 3. | | Dr. Pállinger Zoltán Tibor (rector) | Dr. Dobrin Gabriella (chancellor) | - | private as public benefit organization |
Apor Vilmos Catholic College | FI21962 | college | 2600 Vác, Konstantin tér 1-5. | | Dr. Gloviczki Zoltán (rector) | Kucsera Imre (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém | FI34533 | college | 8200 Veszprém, Jutasi út 18/2. | | Dr. Sebestyén József (rector) | Mészáros Szilvia (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Baptist Theological Seminary | FI46994 | college | 1068 Budapest, Benczúr utca 31. | | Dr. Mészáros Kálmán (rector) | Balla Péter (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Bhaktivedanta College | FI21010 | college | 1039 Budapest, Attila utca 8. | | Dr. Rátkai Gergő Péter (acting rector) | Németh Ádám (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Brenner János Theological College | FI83335 | college | 9021 Győr, Káptalandomb 7. | | Dr. Reisner Ferenc (acting rector) | Kausits Györgyné (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Budapest Business University | FI82314 | university of applied sciences | 1055 Budapest, Markó utca 29-31. | | Dr. Andor György (rector) | Handl Gyula (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
Budapest Circus Arts and Contemporary Dance Collage | FI73150 | college | 1036 Budapest, Perc utca 2. | | Reidl Kamilla (acting rector) | Kopácsi Károly (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
Budapest Metropolitan University | FI33842 | university of applied sciences | 1148 Budapest, Nagy Lajos király útja 1-9. | | Dr. Kocziszky György (rector) | Császár Imre (head of finance) | - | private as business organization |
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) | FI23344 | university | 1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rakpart 3. | | Dr. Charaf Hassan (rector) | Verseghi-Nagy Miklós Zoltán (chancellor) | - | budgetary |
Central European University (Budapest) | FI27861 | university | 1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 9. | | Dr. Kontler László (acting rector) | Kiss Márk (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
Corvinus University of Budapest | FI43814 | university | 1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8. | | Bruno Van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie (rector) | Czenthe Szabolcs (head of finance) | Bruno Van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie (president) | private as public benefit organization |
Debrecen Reformed Theological University | FI12746 | university | 4026 Debrecen, Kálvin tér 16. | | Dr. Baráth Béla Levente (rector) | Mészárosné Karácsony Irma (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Dennis Gabor University of Applied Sciences | FI54333 | university of applied sciences | 1119 Budapest, Fejér Lipót utca 70. | | Dr. Zimányi Krisztina (rector) | Szabó Mihály Péter (head of finance) | Dr. Dietz Ferenc (president) | private as public benefit organization |
Dharma Gate Buddhist College | FI62370 | college | 1098 Budapest, Börzsöny u. 11. | | Karsai Gábor Zsolt (rector) | Zongor Attila (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Edutus University | FI83139 | university of applied sciences | 2800 Tatabánya, Stúdium tér | | Némethné dr. Gál Andrea Ilona (rector) | Rakonczai-Veress Viktória (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
Eötvös József College | FI51105 | college | 6500 Baja, Szegedi út 2. | | Dr. Szilágyiné dr. Szinger Ibolya (rector) | Dr. Paska Mihály (chancellor) | - | budgetary |
Eötvös Loránd University | FI80798 | university | 1053 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3. | | Dr. Borhy László Rezső (rector) | Dr. Scheuer Gyula (chancellor) | - | budgetary |
Eszterházy Károly Catholic University | FI10955 | university | 3300 Eger, Eszterházy tér 1. | | Dr. Pajtókné Dr. Tari Ilona (rector) | Biró Andrea Barbara (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Gál Ferenc College | FI18580 | university of applied sciences | 6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 6. | | Dr. Dux László Lajos (rector) | Tóth József Mihály (chancellor) | - | ecclesiastical |
Hungarian DanceUniversity | FI41559 | university | 1145 Budapest, Columbus utca 87-89. | | Fodorné Molnár Márta (rector) | Székely-Gyökössy Szabolcs (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences | FI51129 | university | 2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly utca 1. | | Dr. Gyuricza Csaba (rector) | Balázs Brigitta (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
Hungarian University of Fine Arts | FI27524 | university | 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 69-71. | | Erős István (rector) | dr. Dóczi Gergely (chancellor) | - | budgetary |
Hungarian University of Sports Science | FI89399 | university | 1123 Budapest, Alkotás utca 42-48. | | Dr. Sterbenz Tamás (rector) | Kerek István (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
International Business School | FI35200 | college | 1031 Budapest, Záhony utca 7. | | Rácz Máté Márton (rector) | Koós Szilvia (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
Jewish Theological Seminary - University of Jewish Studies Hungary | FI17624 | university | 1084 Budapest, Scheiber Sándor u. 2. | | Dr. Balázs Gábor (acting rector) | - | Darvas István (president) | ecclesiastical |
John von Neumann University | FI96377 | university of applied sciences | 6000 Kecskemét, Izsáki út 10. | | Dr. Fülöp Tamás Ferenc (rector) | Maráz Vince (head of finance) | Dr. Nagy Zoltán (president) | private as public benefit organization |
John Wesley Theological College | FI62930 | college | 1086 Budapest, Dankó utca 11. | | Dr. Iványi Gábor (rector) | Dr. Uza Péter (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary | FI44189 | university | 1091 Budapest, Kálvin tér 9. | | Dr. Trócsányi László Henrik (rector) | Dr. Csáki-Hatalovics Gyula Balázs (chancellor) | - | ecclesiastical |
Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences | FI29432 | university of applied sciences | 8000 Székesfehérvár, Rákóczi utca 25. | | Dr. Obádovics Csilla Zsuzsanna (acting rector) | Dr. Zugor Zsuzsanna (chancellor) | Domokos Tamás (president) | private as public benefit organization |
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music (University) | FI26840 | university | 1061 Budapest, Liszt Ferenc tér 8. | | Dr. Kutnyánszky Csaba (acting rector) | Dr. Dóczi Gergely (chancellor) | - | budgetary |
Ludovika University of Public Service | FI99859 | university | 1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 2. | | Dr. Deli Gergely (rector) | Illés Zoltán (head of finance) | - | budgetary |
Lutheran Theological University | FI83342 | university | 1141 Budapest, Rózsavölgyi köz 3. | | Dr. Korányi András (rector) | Kiss Valéria (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Milton Friedman University | FI83995 | university of applied sciences | 1039 Budapest, Kelta utca 2. | | Kutrovichné dr. Schottner Krisztina (rector) | Stotz Gyula (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest | FI73435 | university | 1121 Budapest, Zugligeti út 9-25. | | Koós Pál (rector) | Matheidesz Réka (chancellor) | - | private as public benefit organization |
Obuda University | FI12904 | university | 1034 Budapest, Bécsi út 96/B. | | Dr. Kovács Levente Adalbert (rector) | Fehér Botond (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
Pápa Reformed Theological Seminary | FI27751 | college | 8500 Pápa, Március 15. tér 13-14. | | Balla Ibolya (rector) | Dr. Böröczkyné Ballók Ildikó (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Pázmány Péter Catholic University | FI79633 | university | 1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi utca 28. | | Dr. Kuminetz Géza György (rector) | Szabóné Krupa Ágnes (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Pentecostal Theological College (PTC) | FI22732 | college | 1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89. | | Dr. Paul Michael Gracza (rector) | Gonda Szilvia (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Saint Paul Academy | FI67069 | college | 1103 Budapest, Gyömrői út 69. | | Németh Sándorné (rector) | Horváth András (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Sapientia College of Theology of Religious Orders | FI47939 | college | 1052 Budapest, Piarista köz 1. | | Dr. Fehérváry Örs Jákó (rector) | Dr. Kutassy Jenő (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Sárospatak Reformed Theological University | FI32388 | university of applied sciences | 3950 Sárospatak, Rákóczi u. 1. | | Dr. Enghy Sándor (rector) | Fodor Gizella (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Semmelweis University | FI62576 | university | 1085 Budapest, Üllői út 26. | | Dr. Merkely Béla Péter (rector) | Dr. Pavlik Lívia (chancellor) | - | private as public benefit organization |
Sola Scriptura College of Theology | FI70788 | college | 2051 Biatorbágy, Patak utca 34/A. | | Dr. Holló Péter (rector) | Nagy Bálint Zoltán (head of finance) | - | private as public benefit organization |
St Athanasius Greek-Catholic Theological Institute | FI35925 | college | 4400 Nyíregyháza, Bethlen Gábor utca 13-19. | | Dr. Odrobina László (acting rector) | Bátorné Bodán Judit (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Szent Bernát Theological College | FI35860 | college | 8420 Zirc, Rákóczi tér 1. | - | - | - | - | ecclesiastical |
Széchenyi István University | FI38696 | university | 9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. | | Dr. Friedler Ferenc (rector) | Dr. Tóth Árpád (head of finance) | Dr. Filep Bálint (president) | private as public benefit organization |
Theological College of Eger | FI88165 | college | 3300 Eger, Foglár György utca 6. | | Dr. Dolhai Lajos (rector) | Pászti Ottó (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |
Theological College of Esztergom | FI23234 | college | 2500 Esztergom, Szent István tér 10. | | Dr. Frankó Tamás (rector) | Németh Tünde (head of finance) | - | ecclesiastical |