Hungarian higher education institutions recognised by the state

The list contains the state-recognised higher education institutions of Hungary according to the valid data on the day of the query.

találat oldalanként, Összesen: 64 találat
Institutional identificator
Website (URL)
Rector / Acting rector
Chancellor / Head of finance
Type of financial management by maintenance
Adventist Theological College FI63573 college 2119 Pécel, Ráday utca 12. Dr. Tonhaizer Tibor (rector) - - ecclesiastical
Andrássy Gyula German Speaking University Budapest FI65852 university 1088 Budapest, Pollack Mihály tér 3. Dr. Pállinger Zoltán Tibor (rector) Dr. Dobrin Gabriella (chancellor) - private as public benefit organization
Apor Vilmos Catholic College FI21962 college 2600 Vác, Konstantin tér 1-5. Dr. Gloviczki Zoltán (rector) Kucsera Imre (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Archiepiscopal College of Veszprém FI34533 college 8200 Veszprém, Jutasi út 18/2. Dr. Sebestyén József (rector) Mészáros Szilvia (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Baptist Theological Seminary FI46994 college 1068 Budapest, Benczúr utca 31. Dr. Mészáros Kálmán (rector) Balla Péter (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Bhaktivedanta College FI21010 college 1039 Budapest, Attila utca 8. Dr. Rátkai Gergő Péter (acting rector) Németh Ádám (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Brenner János Theological College FI83335 college 9021 Győr, Káptalandomb 7. Dr. Reisner Ferenc (acting rector) Kausits Györgyné (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Budapest Business University FI82314 university of applied sciences 1055 Budapest, Markó utca 29-31. Dr. Andor György (rector) Handl Gyula (head of finance) - private as public benefit organization
Budapest Circus Arts and Contemporary Dance Collage FI73150 college 1036 Budapest, Perc utca 2. Reidl Kamilla (acting rector) Kopácsi Károly (head of finance) - private as public benefit organization
Budapest Metropolitan University FI33842 university of applied sciences 1148 Budapest, Nagy Lajos király útja 1-9. Dr. Kocziszky György (rector) Császár Imre (head of finance) - private as business organization
Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) FI23344 university 1111 Budapest, Műegyetem rakpart 3. Dr. Charaf Hassan (rector) Verseghi-Nagy Miklós Zoltán (chancellor) - budgetary
Central European University (Budapest) FI27861 university 1051 Budapest, Nádor utca 9. Dr. Kontler László (acting rector) Kiss Márk (head of finance) - private as public benefit organization
Corvinus University of Budapest FI43814 university 1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8. Bruno Van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie (rector) Czenthe Szabolcs (head of finance) Bruno Van Pottelsberghe de la Potterie (president) private as public benefit organization
Debrecen Reformed Theological University FI12746 university 4026 Debrecen, Kálvin tér 16. Dr. Baráth Béla Levente (rector) Mészárosné Karácsony Irma (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Dennis Gabor University of Applied Sciences FI54333 university of applied sciences 1119 Budapest, Fejér Lipót utca 70. Dr. Zimányi Krisztina (rector) Szabó Mihály Péter (head of finance) Dr. Dietz Ferenc (president) private as public benefit organization
Dharma Gate Buddhist College FI62370 college 1098 Budapest, Börzsöny u. 11. Karsai Gábor Zsolt (rector) Zongor Attila (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Edutus University FI83139 university of applied sciences 2800 Tatabánya, Stúdium tér Némethné dr. Gál Andrea Ilona (rector) Rakonczai-Veress Viktória (head of finance) - private as public benefit organization
Eötvös József College FI51105 college 6500 Baja, Szegedi út 2. Dr. Szilágyiné dr. Szinger Ibolya (rector) Dr. Paska Mihály (chancellor) - budgetary
Eötvös Loránd University FI80798 university 1053 Budapest, Egyetem tér 1-3. Dr. Borhy László Rezső (rector) Dr. Scheuer Gyula (chancellor) - budgetary
Eszterházy Károly Catholic University FI10955 university 3300 Eger, Eszterházy tér 1. Dr. Pajtókné Dr. Tari Ilona (rector) Biró Andrea Barbara (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Gál Ferenc College FI18580 university of applied sciences 6720 Szeged, Dóm tér 6. Dr. Dux László Lajos (rector) Tóth József Mihály (chancellor) - ecclesiastical
Hungarian DanceUniversity FI41559 university 1145 Budapest, Columbus utca 87-89. Fodorné Molnár Márta (rector) Székely-Gyökössy Szabolcs (head of finance) - private as public benefit organization
Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences FI51129 university 2100 Gödöllő, Páter Károly utca 1. Dr. Gyuricza Csaba (rector) Balázs Brigitta (head of finance) - private as public benefit organization
Hungarian University of Fine Arts FI27524 university 1062 Budapest, Andrássy út 69-71. Erős István (rector) dr. Dóczi Gergely (chancellor) - budgetary
Hungarian University of Sports Science FI89399 university 1123 Budapest, Alkotás utca 42-48. Dr. Sterbenz Tamás (rector) Kerek István (head of finance) - private as public benefit organization
International Business School FI35200 college 1031 Budapest, Záhony utca 7. Rácz Máté Márton (rector) Koós Szilvia (head of finance) - private as public benefit organization
Jewish Theological Seminary - University of Jewish Studies Hungary FI17624 university 1084 Budapest, Scheiber Sándor u. 2. Dr. Balázs Gábor (acting rector) - Darvas István (president) ecclesiastical
John von Neumann University FI96377 university of applied sciences 6000 Kecskemét, Izsáki út 10. Dr. Fülöp Tamás Ferenc (rector) Maráz Vince (head of finance) Dr. Nagy Zoltán (president) private as public benefit organization
John Wesley Theological College FI62930 college 1086 Budapest, Dankó utca 11. Dr. Iványi Gábor (rector) Dr. Uza Péter (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary FI44189 university 1091 Budapest, Kálvin tér 9. Dr. Trócsányi László Henrik (rector) Dr. Csáki-Hatalovics Gyula Balázs (chancellor) - ecclesiastical
Kodolányi János University of Applied Sciences FI29432 university of applied sciences 8000 Székesfehérvár, Rákóczi utca 25. Dr. Obádovics Csilla Zsuzsanna (acting rector) Dr. Zugor Zsuzsanna (chancellor) Domokos Tamás (president) private as public benefit organization
Liszt Ferenc Academy of Music (University) FI26840 university 1061 Budapest, Liszt Ferenc tér 8. Dr. Kutnyánszky Csaba (acting rector) Dr. Dóczi Gergely (chancellor) - budgetary
Ludovika University of Public Service FI99859 university 1083 Budapest, Ludovika tér 2. Dr. Deli Gergely (rector) Illés Zoltán (head of finance) - budgetary
Lutheran Theological University FI83342 university 1141 Budapest, Rózsavölgyi köz 3. Dr. Korányi András (rector) Kiss Valéria (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Milton Friedman University FI83995 university of applied sciences 1039 Budapest, Kelta utca 2. Kutrovichné dr. Schottner Krisztina (rector) Stotz Gyula (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest FI73435 university 1121 Budapest, Zugligeti út 9-25. Koós Pál (rector) Matheidesz Réka (chancellor) - private as public benefit organization
Obuda University FI12904 university 1034 Budapest, Bécsi út 96/B. Dr. Kovács Levente Adalbert (rector) Fehér Botond (head of finance) - private as public benefit organization
Pápa Reformed Theological Seminary FI27751 college 8500 Pápa, Március 15. tér 13-14. Balla Ibolya (rector) Dr. Böröczkyné Ballók Ildikó (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Pázmány Péter Catholic University FI79633 university 1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi utca 28. Dr. Kuminetz Géza György (rector) Szabóné Krupa Ágnes (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Pentecostal Theological College (PTC) FI22732 college 1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89. Dr. Paul Michael Gracza (rector) Gonda Szilvia (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Saint Paul Academy FI67069 college 1103 Budapest, Gyömrői út 69. Németh Sándorné (rector) Horváth András (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Sapientia College of Theology of Religious Orders FI47939 college 1052 Budapest, Piarista köz 1. Dr. Fehérváry Örs Jákó (rector) Dr. Kutassy Jenő (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Sárospatak Reformed Theological University FI32388 university of applied sciences 3950 Sárospatak, Rákóczi u. 1. Dr. Enghy Sándor (rector) Fodor Gizella (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Semmelweis University FI62576 university 1085 Budapest, Üllői út 26. Dr. Merkely Béla Péter (rector) Dr. Pavlik Lívia (chancellor) - private as public benefit organization
Sola Scriptura College of Theology FI70788 college 2051 Biatorbágy, Patak utca 34/A. Dr. Holló Péter (rector) Nagy Bálint Zoltán (head of finance) - private as public benefit organization
St Athanasius Greek-Catholic Theological Institute FI35925 college 4400 Nyíregyháza, Bethlen Gábor utca 13-19. Dr. Odrobina László (acting rector) Bátorné Bodán Judit (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Szent Bernát Theological College FI35860 college 8420 Zirc, Rákóczi tér 1. - - - - ecclesiastical
Széchenyi István University FI38696 university 9026 Győr, Egyetem tér 1. Dr. Friedler Ferenc (rector) Dr. Tóth Árpád (head of finance) Dr. Filep Bálint (president) private as public benefit organization
Theological College of Eger FI88165 college 3300 Eger, Foglár György utca 6. Dr. Dolhai Lajos (rector) Pászti Ottó (head of finance) - ecclesiastical
Theological College of Esztergom FI23234 college 2500 Esztergom, Szent István tér 10. Dr. Frankó Tamás (rector) Németh Tünde (head of finance) - ecclesiastical